Tuesday 10 July 2012

September 6th, 2010

This morning we headed north along highway 340 to the town of Twillingate

Historically, Twillingate used to be a prominent fishing community and is one of the oldest ports on the island.  With the decline of the fishing industry, the town’s economy relies more on tourism

Long Point Lighthouse; many visitors come here to see icebergs and whales

We met a few friends of Amanda’s grandparents by chance who were touring the island from Strathroy, Ontario

Drum roll please…

…Happy 100,000th Job! 

Later that afternoon, we took up Vince’s offer of having us over at his place for a traditional Newfoundlander’s meal back in Grand Falls-Windsor.  We met Vince’s wife Paula and their daughter Chelsea.  Other guests were invited too; we met Gail, a co-worker of Paula’s.  She’s a firecracker and loves to go out snowmobiling in the winter.  We also met Sarah from Germany who is an intern at the local hospital.  She invited us to spend the night at her apartment which was walking distance from Vince’s house.  She’ll finish her internship in a couple of weeks and there’s a possibility we might meet up with her in Montreal.  

Tonight’s menu includes brewis; hard bread that has been soaked in water overnight

Dried cod

Pan fried cod

Scrunchions; salted pork fat cut into tiny pieces and fried.  It’ll make your heart stop…literally.

Drawn butter



Put’em all together and voila, traditional Newfoundland meal is served.  Yum! 

A good ol’ time was had by all.  Thanks Vince.

243 km

Iceberg Capital.

An islander’s hearty meal.

Happy birthday Job!

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