It was nice to be back in Long Island after camping in the cuds for a few days.Body is not accustomed to sleeping on earth, but I’m sure it will; given the time.It has to.I’m sure there will be days where we will be sleeping in the tent days…maybe weeks on end.Gotta toughen up the body.That afternoon we stopped by at BushwickKLR to pick up a front tire for Amanda and had it installed up at 01Councours4Now.Using the machine is a heck of a lot easier than using tire irons.There was a bbq in our honor later on that evening at OfftheGrid.There, we met fellow ADV’ers from LI and NY, shared stories, sampled awesome Brazilian food, and had a great time.It was nice knowing that we played a part in something that is now a monthly get-together for ADV’ers in that region.
The next day, Amanda and I went out to NYC by train to play tourist and have dinner with my cousin who works in Manhattan.Not having to worry about cabbies running over us took a lot of weight off our shoulders.
You can't visit NYC and not see The Lady of Freedom
NYC skyline in the backdrop
The hustle and bustle
Money Money Money Mah-Nee...Mah-Nee!
Mmmmmmm street meat!
Go on! I dare you to kick it over!
Blending in with my surroundings
To be or not? To be...that is the question.
Central Park
Romeo & Juliet
In honor of you Aphazia! Remember what the doorman said! Feed your hare!
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