Monday, 26 December 2011

November 26th-29th, 2009

Yesterday we arrived at R1100Rick’s late afternoon.  The GPS brought us to a gravel driveway that got steeper and steeper uphill as we rode on it.  It got to a point where I questioned whether we’re at the right place or not because it seemed to me it was some kind of service road in development because the road was in pretty rough shape.  As I was pondering whether we should proceed any further, Amanda in her usual flare zooms by us and decides to tackle the hill on her own.  I guess MikeBike4 and I will follow.  There were times when I felt my rear tire swerve here and there, but I knew if I just kept on the throttle, everything will be alright; and alright it was.  As we got to the top of the hill, the woods began to clear and the cabin was in view. 
R1100Rick's getaway.  Available for rent.  If interested, contact him via ADV website

R1100Rick was there to greet us at the door.  He gave us a tour around the place and showed us where we could pitch our tents.  The view was gorgeous.  We were on a hilltop overlooking various green hills around us; I just hope it doesn’t get too cold.

After setting up our tents, we went back to the cabin and got acquainted with the rest of R1100Rick’s family.  It was here when we were introduced to moonshine.  The best way for me to describe moonshine is this:  I took a whiff of the stuff and my eyes began to water.  Woooooooooooweeeeee!

For dessert, R1100Rick offered us a delicacy imported from Mexico; BBQ chicken flavored lollipops
The next morning was Thanksgiving.  R1100Rick invited us over to his father’s house to experience an American Thanksgiving dinner.  It was fantastic.

Amanda and I helping out with the mashed potatoes

There was food everywhere!  A table for dessert, a table for casseroles, and the main table was where the turkey sat.  We had a great time getting to know the family.

Relaxing in the hot tub while we watched the snow fall
The next morning R1100Rick took the three of us out for a ride.  We rode through some nice curvy roads; great practice for when we hit Deals Gap and The Tail of the Dragon.

Trying to master one of R1100Rick’s bike to no avail.  Sorry R1100Rick, she’s as good as new.

Later in the afternoon, MikeBike4, Amanda, and I went riding on some gravel roads that led up to some mountain.  I don’t remember the name of it, but there was snow as we approached the summit.  I managed to wipe out with the roads being slippery and all.  It was all in good fun.

If you look really carefully, you can see a tower on top of the hill...
...Amanda and I on that very same tower.
The view from up here was so gorgeous!
I thought we left winter behind us
Later on in the evening we hung out with 3 other Adv inmates: Cuttle and her husband, and b00t.  We had an awesome bbq and a great time.

A nice touch added to an oil drum
A little dose of cabin fever
The next morning was a bit chilly
Warming up by the fire.  Check out the chair, a nice touch by R1100Rick to make us feel at home.
Biscuits and gravy from scratch for breakfast.  R1100Rick's secret recipe.
Getting ready to hit the road once again
The Driveway of Death.  I hate to mention it, but I did lay my bike down as we were leaving.

May you rest in peace Rick

Keep on the throttle!
Turkey’s making me tired.
A sign of winter.

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