Sunday, 27 May 2012

June 24th-25th, 2010 pt.1

The morning brought clear skies with lots of sun and we were happy to be back on the road again.  Sleeping on the picnic table wasn’t so bad after all.  

You can hardly see them in this picture, but ironically enough there are 2 moose on the other side of the lake.

I’m so glad we decided to wait for the rain to clear. 

If we had pressed on, we wouldn’t have stopped to take in all of this. 

We did it!  We rode the Dempster Highway and made it out safe and sound.  If I had to make a comparison between the Dalton and Dempster, I will say this: There are more trucks on the Dalton than the Dempster, but the truckers on the Dempster are not as courteous to motorcyclists as the ones on the Dalton.  Atigun Pass and the Richardson Mountains are both phenomenal scenic landscapes, but Atigun Pass was a bit more impressive.  Lastly, a better cultural experience can be found in Inuvik than Deadhorse for obvious reasons.

We stopped at the gas station to hose down the bikes…

…and found a few laughs. 

Back in Dawson City, we registered for the D2D banquet and explored the town

The Dust 2 Dawson annual gathering started in 1992 in honor of a fallen rider.  Activities include a poker run during the day, the banquet in the evening, and the biker games late at night. 

Just as we were getting ready to head out to look for a place to camp, we ran into Tommy who invited us over to Walter’s place.  We had a few beers and shared stories of adventure.  We ended up camping in Walter’s hanger.

Conquered the Dempster.

Celebration in Dawson.

It’s not a rally!

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